Gidday.....Ben here, aka on Mum's blog as 'My Shadow'.(that means I am Mum's shadow)
Today is my birthday. I am seven years old today. I think if I was a human that would make me about 49!!
Anyway, Mum made me special treats for my birthday... some Banana and carrot cookies. I could smell them cooking last night when she was baking them and they smelled GOOD!!
Here is a picture of me waiting. I was very good and never jumped up to take any. Mum says I am always good like that. I don't take things off the table or the counter.
Then later, me and my bestest mate Indy got to have one and here we are waiting until we got the word to say it was okay to take them. Mum said we were both very good.
You will notice my tongue is ready to go. Yum, we love banana and carrot cookies.
Mum said it is polite to say thank you so 'thank you' to anyone who takes the time to visit our blog.