Monday, 25 February 2008

Partners in Crime

Last weekend, my husband and I had a night away looking after our darling grand daughter. Our daughter 'babysat' Ben for us at our house and brought along her little dog Indy who is Ben's best friend. Now, this is not the first time these two 'partners in crime' have got themselves in trouble but I have to say I was not one bit happy when I saw what they had been into this time and I think when I show you you will understand why!!

Now you wouldn't think these two innocent looking faces could have any part in such a crime now .......... would you?? I really rather liked my needleroll!!


  1. So sorry about your lovely needleroll, but the top part looks undamaged, so you could always hide the chewed part underneath some other rolls.

  2. How innocent they both look too. Maybe if you've got a spare piece of the same linen, you could stitch a false end and attach it somehow. Imagine if they'd chewed the whole needleroll - how horrible. Let's hope you can salvage it. I'd be devastated if my cats did anything similar.

  3. ouch! Not sure how to repair it. I'm sure there is a way -- I just cannot think of one.

    As for Moon Garden, yes, it is the suggested linen - in 30 count. If you do launch into the sampler -- please be careful of the greenish threads. Make sure they are more green than yellow... I learned the heard way.

  4. Hi Chrissie, I've just found your blog :) Oh no, those two rascals, your poor needleroll, lol.

    will be back to visit soon,
    Katrina from New Zealand
